Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The first few weeks!!!

Well, we are a couple of weeks into the school year now, and I am still loving it!!! The first day was spent laying out the goals and expectations of my class and letting the students get to know me by telling them a little about myself. The rest of the week was spent going over terminology and basic facts about computers and keyboarding just to get an assessment of where they were at and what they already know. I then starting reiterating the information they were not very familiar with from last year as well as throwing in some new terms and facts. We ended last week with our first test. Well, I had high hopes that everyone was going to do very good on it, because I thought that it was rather basic and easy. Also, I went over the actual test in class as a review the day before the test, as well as giving them a study guide. To my surprise, they didn't do well on it (with the exception of a few). So the past two days have been spent going back over the information. I let them know how disappointed I was that they didn't do better. I told them that they should have taken notes like I suggested during our review and that next time they should actually study the study guide. I threw out a couple of questions that everyone of my students missed, but warned them that I would be nice on the first test, but not to expect me to do it on the rest of our tests, quizzes, projects, etc. I let them know that they were going to have to put forth some effort because I will be challenging them all semester, because that is why I am put them in a better position academically when they leave my class than they were when they entered it!!!! They will catch on, and I know they will do great!!!!

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